Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Swim Camp day 9

The novelty has worn off.

Of course, I'm talking about the novelty of blogging my swims. I'm sure the novelty of reading them wore off days ago. I'm still having a fine time swimming though.

WU: 750 swim / 500 pull / 500 kick / 250 swim

750 swim as 25 fly / 50 free

250 easy

5x200 on 3:15

200 easy

1000 as 75 free / 25 back

50 easy CD
Total: 5250m


Gordo Byrn said...

I'm enjoying reading them!

Joe said...

And I'm writing a novel about it.

The other brother said...

G- At least somebody's following along ;)

Joe- A novelty novel? Like, "The Mystery of the Fudgsicle in the Night" or "The Catcher in the Choco Taco"?